Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Postal Express

i had quite an interesting today! so i went to the school post office to ship some stuff. as i was in line, there was guy ahead of me and he was trying to ship something for his girlfriend to Hong Kong. but the address that she gave him was written badly so it was hard to figure it out. so yea i ended up helping him and talking to him in the process. paid for some of his shipping too. took about an hour but it was worth it. hes from fremont and was just up here visiting. best of all he was Christian! man thats so cool. God must of made this meeting for a reason. dont know what it was but i will. anyways so the postal office at school didnt have Express mail so went to the downtown office. as we were leaving i was stopped by some security students cus they said i was suspected for stealing from the bookstore. i was kinda excited haha made my life more interesting. but yea turns out they had the wrong guy. i knew i was innocent so i wasnt worried. i actually thanked them cus it was a new experience. but yea. happy for today. praise God for it. im so thankful i met a new friend and was able to have fun today.

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